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Monday, June 23, 2014

PlayStation Now: A Good Idea With A Bad Plan

Sony has revealed new details regarding their PlayStation Now Beta pricing scheme. They say that the prices for the service are being set by the content owners themselves, not Sony, which has resulted in some pretty steep costs across the digital rental service. But the real problem may be the entire concept of the model.

Game Informer put together a handy chart about the prices of a few different participating games which you can check out here. The service allows for rental for as little as four hours, or up to 90 days. It’s $3-5 for the hourly fee, $5-8 for a week, and $8-15 for a month. The 90 day prices go as high as $30.

There are a few problems with this right off the bat. First, the hourly rate seems comically high, given that an extra dollar or two will get you 168 hours of access to a game, rather than 4. I can see that being perhaps a very situational purchase, maybe when you have some friends over who really want to play a particular title for a couple hours, but even still, it seems wise to always buy the week access pack just in case. And for some games, the hourly price makes no sense, as what could you possible hope to accomplish playing Final Fantasy XIII or Deus Ex for only four hours? For some games, it seems like an hour or two should be free, with the option to buy a week’s worth of play time after the trial is up.

Next , because these are all PlayStation 3 titles that have been out for quite a while, picking up a copy of these games used is almost always cheaper than the 90 day rental rate. Hell, even buying the game outright on PSN usually costs around the same price or less. It would be pretty disingenuous to list these long term rental rates without letting customers know that they could simply buy the game outright if they wanted to. It’s like leasing a car for three months at a rate so high the dealer fails to tell you that if you’d simply asked, you could have taken it home for good.

Really, the biggest problem with PlayStation Now is the fact that it’s a rental service at all, rather than a subscription service. It’s trying to use an old school Blockbuster style of rental, when most fans would probably prefer a monthly fee that allows for unlimited access to the games catalog. I know I certainly would.

If PS Now was perhaps a $10-15 add-on to the normal price of PS Plus, that would be a much more appealing prospect. But this table of 4 hour to 90 day rentals where prices vary by each specific game is overly complicated, and clearly overpriced. In an age when an $8 a month Netflix NFLX -0.3% subscription gets you unlimited access to thousands of movies and shows, it’s hard to imagine that they would have been as successful charging people per item, with variable prices set by the TV or movie studios. Charging someone $8 to play a week’s worth of Adventure Time seems laughable by comparison.

Yes, many of us grew up renting games from Blockbuster for somewhat similar prices, but this model just isn’t very functional any more, and it’s taking something that’s a great idea, str3aming access to great PlayStation games from a litany of devices, and making it too pricey and complicated to actually be appealing in practice.

This isn’t a minor project for Sony. The company spent $380 million to purchase Gaikai to get PlayStation Now up and running. But right now these prices make no logical sense to anyone who can do math, and the entire model as a whole is questionable. We’ve gotten so use to content subscription services, that a rental service like this seems oddly dated and backward-thinking.

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